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P.L.A.Y. Mission Statement

Prior Lake Athletics for Youth, serves the Prior Lake / Savage School District, to provide competitive yet fun athletic opportunities for kids.  Our priority is safety, skills development, and the teaching of life lessons through sports.

Our program promotes the importance of sportsmanship, teamwork, leadership, and integrity. We believe learning both success and failure through competition will benefit our future generations.

Spring/Summer Sports Registration Info

Registration for Spring/Summer sports is now open! Thank you to everyone who registers early in this process as it allows our sport volunteers to better plan for the upcoming season!

If you are interested in coaching this spring/summer season, please complete the coaching application, which will also listed to the right. Then also please visit our coaching page where you can view  additional information about coach onboarding (i.e., background check, safe sport training, first aid and concussion training). All who complete this process will be considered for coaching roles, though doing so does not guarantee placement as a coach. We are grateful for all who are interested in leading our young athletes.

If you have questions about any particular sport offering, please visit that sport's page here on our website. If you have additional questions, please visit the "Board" page within each sport to connect with the appropriate contact.

Spring/Summer Sports - Registration Opens January 6th!

Open P.L.A.Y. Executive Board Positions

The P.L.A.Y. Executive Board is seeking interested individuals to fill the following roles:

- VP of Fall/Winter Sports

- VP of Fundraising

To learn more about these opportunities, please visit our Board page here.

To express interest in any of these (or other) roles, please e-mail

Get YOUR P.L.A.Y. Sports Spirit wear and help support your program!

Please click on the following link for all of your P.L.A.Y. apparel needs! The online store is continuously open and includes fan apparel for each or our sports. 

Follow us on Facebook!

P.L.A.Y. - 24-Hour Rule and Dispute Resolution

Youth sports can be an emotional minefield for adults to navigate, especially when our own children are involved. There are a wide-range of pressure points for parents when we watch our beloved son or daughter participate in athletics:

  • Tryout Results/Team Placement
  • Playing Time
  • Player Positioning
  • Coaching Strategy/Tactics
  • Conflicts with Teammates
  • Umpires/Officials/Referees

Just think to yourself about a time when one of the above things caused you stress, anxiety, anger or sadness. The negative emotions a parent or family member feels when a loved one is perceived to have been wronged are immediate, strong and often overwhelming. These emotional reactions are 100% natural and an indicator of the level of importance we place on the youth sports experience! Youth sports organizations around the globe have discovered one thing that helps diffuse emotionally charged situations more effectively than anything else – time.

The 24-hour rule is essentially a “cooling-off period” to allow for all parties to remove immediate emotional reactions from the dialogue. P.L.A.Y. has the same goal as parents when an athlete/family is impacted by a dispute – to work towards a fair and swift resolution. The goal of dispute resolution is for all parties to work through the situation at hand, not as adversaries, but as partners in the athletic and personal development of our athletes. P.L.A.Y. believes that the 24-hour rule is critical in creating this positive problem-solving dynamic. Immediacy does not allow for the gift of perspective.

Think of how many times you’ve been anxious or angry about something only to realize the next day, after time has passed, that the situation isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Time offers human beings the gift of perspective. Does this mean all situations seem minor if we just wait 24 hours? Of course not. That said, waiting 24 hours does allow for adults to take a step back, evaluate the situation with an open and honest mind and determine realistic priorities in resolving a dispute.

Unless the nature of the dispute requires immediate attention (e.g. there are athlete safety concerns or there is a firm time deadline involved), P.L.A.Y. participants are required to wait at least twenty-four hours after an event or incident before initiating a dispute resolution process. Because we believe so strongly in this standard, as a general rule, grievances that do not adhere to the 24-hour rule will not be accepted or responded to.

For more information about the 24-hour rule and perspectives about why it is important, please see this article by Lax Lingo




Laker Athletic Alliance 


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