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Positive Coaching Alliance

Learn about our partnership with positive coaching alliance

Upcoming PCA Meeting Dates

March 18th - 6:30 PM @ Wilds Golf Club
Topic: “Developing Competitors Through Positive Coaching”
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Course info:

March 20th - 6:30 pm Wilds Golf Club
Topic: “Culture, Practices, and Games”
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Course info:

What is Positive Coaching?

P.L.A.Y aspires to be an outstanding educational-athletic organization that provides a high-quality experience to every athlete.

A high-quality experience is one in which every athlete:

• Is coached using the principles of Positive Coaching

• Has fun playing the game

• Feels like an important part of the team regardless of performance

• Learns “life lessons” that have value beyond the playing field

• Learns the skills, tactics and strategies of the game and improves as a player

To achieve the aspirations of our organization, P.L.A.Y has embarked on a journey to implement the principles of the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA).  As such, the P.L.A.Y organization is initially requesting that each current and prospective coach becomes familiar with the following basic PCA terms and topics.

Every coach must:

1. Understand and align with the Double Goal Coach job description

2. Discuss and educate parents and players on the pillars of the PCA coaching philosophy:

        a. What does the acronym ROOTS stand for?

        b. Why is it important to Fill the Emotional Tank?

        c. What is the ELM Tree of Mastery?

        d. What PCA information should be covered at the Parent Meeting ?

Every coach must help make sure that parents:

1. Understand PCA Goals for a Parent and ensure that parents abide by the Parent Pledge.

2. Understand Coach / Parent Partnership  and what is expected on game day.

Coach the Mental Game !

[“] Expect your players to think. They are not robots. Part of your role is teaching them to think on the field so that they are better thinkers off the field. Asking rather than telling is a good way to get them to think: "What might you have done on that play?" What they say may surprise you. [”]

Megan Peterson

Vice President of Positive Coaching Alliance

Parent Focus

Steady your gaze on the Big Picture, not temporary on-field victory, but long-term character development that will help your children throughout their lives and enable them to help your grandchildren.

PCA DEVELOPMENTAL ZONE for Administrators - Coaches - Parents - Players - Officials

As a Coach, How do I do Utilize Positive Charting?

Here is how it works:
1. Write the name of each player in a box on the Positive Charting form. If there is a specific action you want to look for with that player (for example, hustling back on defense, boxing out on rebounds, getting into offensive position promptly) write it in the space marked “look-for.”
2. Look for positive things players do – Whenever you see one jot it down and add a note under the players name, write just enough to remember it, Remember to look for team-building things that players do to encourage each other.
3. Ask a Asst. Coach, Team Parent or more to help with process, it will keep them in the game and looking for positives.
4. Try to have about 2-5 comments for each player, sometimes you may have to look hard, limit number on more advanced players. Be disciplined to have at least 2-3 comments
5. Be honest. Don’t write something not true. You will find enough on each player if you try and get help looking.
6. Begin the next practice or prep for next game by reviewing the positive with each player for about 30 seconds.
7. Enjoy the positive energy this Charting Toll will provide. Positive Charting can be a powerful tool, it will seem like magic.
Try it. You and your players won’t regret it.

For more from Positive Coaching Alliance, visit