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P.L.A.Y. Miracle League Project

Project Summary

In August of 2022, an idea took the first steps to become a reality, bringing a Miracle League field to service the southwest metro area. Joining the other fields in the metro and expanding the coverage and extending the opportunities to a very special community of players and families.

What is needed to see the project to the full potential:

  • Construct the field - $500,000.
    • Excavate out the old, install the new, create a new, open, accessible spectator area. New fencing, benches, bleachers, scoreboard, equipment shed.
  • Replace Playground - approx. $500,000
    • Remove the 30-year-old existing playground.
    • Install a new, safe rubber surface, new inclusive, updated, accessible play equipment for all.

If all goes as planned this field will be ready to play in the Summer of 2024. The playground is planned to be ready by 2025.


  • Miracle League support tiers, called Heroes, is announced. (April 2023)
  • Fundraising in full swing (April 2023)
  • Architecture Plans for construction are finalized (May 2023)
  • Prior Lake City Council fully approves the project agreement (July 2023)
  • Fundraising

Miracle League Field's new home

The practice field in the northwest corner of the baseball fields at Thomas Ryan Memorial Park is the targeted location for the field. In addition the playground will be upgraded to a current, adaptive area. New fencing, large dugouts, concrete spectator area with extended paths from the concessions/restrooms building and more will be part of the uplift.




Laker Athletic Alliance 


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