Friday Serve Club

**New Offering**
Returning Players
(Friday Late Afternoons)
7 thru 18 year olds

WHO: This group is designed for experienced players that have already learned proper serving technique looking for an opportunity to practice serves under limited coaching supervision.

WHEN: This group will meet on Friday evenings mid June through August. Tennis balls will be provided. Participants can come and go throughout this session. Serve for for 15 min or 90 minutes as your schedule allows.

WHAT: This session will provide a supervised opportunity to independently work on serving. Limited coaching will be available to offer technique corrections and adjustments. The main focus of this session is to provide dedicated time for practicing serves and returns.

IMPORTANT INFO:  Only Offered Session 1. No make-up session will be offered for weather cancellations.


4pm to 5:30pm

June 20 June 27 July 11 July 18 July 25 Aug 1 Aug 8 Aug 15 Aug 22 Aug 29